The Auto-Wrappers
Dinner & Dance 
14th November 1958
The Following Photos are from an album given to us by Jean Cann ( Daughter of Autowrappers  founder C.W.Maddison )We have displayed all the photos in the same order that they are shown in the album, It is a wonderful insight into the people that worked at the Edward Street factory during this period. The Event happened at the Grosvenor Rooms in Norwich, to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of Autowrappers and the sale of the company to the Tobinoil Group. If anyone can help us put names to the faces in the photos below please email us at  please include the photo reference number and the position of the person in the photo.  
Dinner & Dance Part 1
Dinner & Dance Part 2
Dinner & Dance Part 3
Click on the photos below view each part